Data & Resources
Appendices and Replication Materials
for my work
- Replication data and R-files for "Battle Diffusion Matters: Examining the Impact of Microdynamics of Fighting on Conflict Outcomes and Termination." Journal of Conflict Resolution. Available at the publisher's website.
- Replication data and R-files for "Why Does Ethnic Partition Foster Violence? Unpacking the Long-Term Determinants of Civil Conflicts." Journal of Peace Research. Online Appendix (Replication materials to be posted).
- Replication data and R-files for "Escalation with Relocation: Unpacking the Local Geography of Aid and Battle Intensity in Civil Conflicts." Online Appendix (Replication materials to be posted).
- Replication data and R-files for "Destruction from Above: Long-Term Impacts of WWII Tokyo Air Raids." TBA
- Replication data and R-files for "How Do You Strike Me? Decomposing the Determinants of Selective and Indiscriminate Violence in Civil Conflicts." TBA
- Replication data and R-files for "Modeling the Determinants of Insurgent Violence in Afghanistan." TBA
- Course materials for "Econometrics and Statistical Programing in R" (Fall 2017)
- Simulation: Central Limit Theorem, confidence intervals, Law of Large Numbers, biases in regression estimates, etc.
- Data: API and web scraping for (near-realtime) data construction
- API scripts for extracting the UN Comtrade Dataset in R
- UN Comtrade subscription required
- API scripts for extracting Twitter user information in R (TBA)
- Twitter developer account required
- Matching and (re)weighting in R (TBA)
- Sensitivity (bias) analysis for causal inference in R (TBA)
- Imbens' (2003) sensitivity analysis
- E-vlaue analysis (Ding & VanderWeele, 2016; VanderWeele & Ding, 2017)
- Simulating the impacts of unmeasured confounding on treatment effect estimates with R (TBA)
- Causal mediation analysis in R (TBA)
- k-fold cross-validation for out-of-sample (binary) predictions (TBA)
- Gravity model of international trade with R
- Faster and efficient geoprocessing and GDAL wrapper functions for R (TBA)
- Geo-referencing aerial imagery with R and GDAL (TBA)
- Geographical image segmentation and analysis in R and Orfeo Toolbox (TBA)
- Mean-shift image segmentation
- Geometric feature extraction
- Contrast enhancing and dynamic range correction